Purposive Sampling Method
A non-probability sampling method combined with qualitative and quantitative research methods is called the Purposive Sampling Method. It is mostly used by research students as a useful tool when learning about a particular cultural subject from knowledgeable professionals. When deciding which individuals of the public to include in their surveys, the researchers, in this instance, rely on their judgment. Here, it would be best if you had the following:
- Prior understanding of the aim of your research.
- You can choose or approach people who are qualified to do the survey.
- You can conduct the survey online to choose a specific group of people that fit the required profile.
- Pay attention to sampling strategies where the units being looked at are determined by the researcher’s judgment.
“Purposeful sampling” refers to a collection of different non-probability sampling procedures that rely on the researcher’s judgment to choose the units that will be investigated, such as individuals, groups, instances, events, bits of data, etc. In comparison to probability sampling approaches, the sample size is less.
In contrast to probability sampling approaches, the Purposive Sampling Method does not choose randomly selected units from a population to produce a sample report to draw general conclusions about the data, such as statistical judgments. It is a quantitative research design’s overall goal.