Hyatt Hotels Corporations Analysis
LO1 Understand the operational and economic characteristics of hospitality operations
(1.1) Analyse the nature of different hospitality products and services the Hyatt Hotel might offer to satisfy the customers
(1.2) Evaluate the different patterns of demand that may arise from the market
(1.3) Compare customer profiles and their differing expectations and requirements in respect of hospitality provision
M1: Evaluate the role of the Hyatt Hotels Corporations in making most of these theories in 1.3
(1.4) Analyse different factors affecting average spending power in hospitality businesses
LO2 Understand product development within hospitality environments
The following 4 criteria should be covered through Power-Point Slides.
Your presentation should include EVERY member of your group and ideally will be presented using Microsoft Power-point Slides. There should be a maximum of 20 slides for the complete presentation in groups of 4-5 learners to demonstrate the following criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4. Note you will be assessed based on your own performance, and contribution in the power-point slides and presentation, though the activity can be developed in groups. Consequently you will be assessed and graded individually. You can choose a particular example or a range of examples to raise your case. It would be highly recommended to have references on the slides, and at the end.
(2.1) Evaluate the key stages in product and service development applied within a hospitality operation (i.e. market research, market segmentation, idea evaluation, concept development).
(2.2) Analyse the features which contribute towards the customers’ perception of products and services
(2.3) Assess the opportunities and constraints affecting product and service development within a hospitality environment
(2.4) Evaluate different merchandising opportunities for hospitality products and services (this could include various Promotional activities)
LO3 Understand pricing and profitability concepts within hospitality operations
(3.1) Evaluate different methods of pricing taking into account additional pricing considerations
M2: Provide examples from Hyatt Hotels Corporations to support your case (ref: 3.1)
(3.2) Assess the factors which affect revenue generation and profitability in hospitality operations
LO4 Be able to use appraisal techniques to analyse and improve operational performance
(4.1) Apply different performance measures and appraisal techniques to individual aspects of hospitality operations, the product and the whole operation
M3: Compare these activities explored in 4.1 with Hyatt Hotels Corporations
(4.2) Determine the effectiveness of different quantitative and qualitative appraisal techniques and their application to hospitality operations
(4.3) Apply approaches to business analysis, evaluation and planning appropriate to hospitality operations, making proposals for action
D3: Provide a SWOT analysis of the Hyatt Hotels Corporations and provide recommendations