Studies show that people whose parents were divorced are more likely to undergo divorce than people whose parents stayed together and did not divorce. This inter-generational transmission is explained by “social cognitive” theories which clarify the results of parental divorce which restrain or do not restrain such shocking experiences.
Social cognitive statements were put to the test on the community-based sample of 821 adults. Results proved that people whose parents had divorced usually divorced their spouses and that they faced more family problems and generally had negative attitudes towards marriage. The chances of marrying a previously divorced person among such people were greater than people whose parents had stayed together.
However, studies showed that sometimes children from divorced families have permanent marriages, and divorced parents are not always a factor in divorces. The children of divorce face greater problems in their own marriages because of the exposure to their parents’ conflicts and although several studies have been carried out to determine this connection of inter-generational issues as to why this happens, many questions remain unanswered.
Marriage & Divorce
Research on the connection between marital quarrels resulting in inconsistencies and the awkward behavior of children must be seriously assessed and the context presented generates more research and studies and makes recommendations for future studies for procedures that could cohesively explain the link between divorce and child maladjustment.
The devised framework must evaluate the impact of marital divergences and the way it affects the behavior of children and the adjustments that they make in their lives in accordance with this background and being raised by a single parent.
Studies have established that children from broken families face more issues in their lives than children who have lived in a stable family environment, but why this happens is not fully understood. Studies found that sometimes children think that they are somehow to blame for their parents’ conflicts and sometimes feel guilty about it.
Teachers and young children give an account of external and internal issues that were responsible for the marital problems of parents. Studies also included married parents in investigations who had undergone such experiences and found that parental conflicts are a significant factor in adjusting to family issues.
Various studies associate children’s behavior with parental conflict and an unstable domestic environment but why this happens has not been explained cohesively in any study. The mediating factors for thoughtful evaluations of this issue need more research to better understand why this happens and how to address such issues
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