To write a performance management essay, analyze the challenges which employees face in the working environment. You can compare the environments of different organizations. What do teachers do when they want their students to perform well? They motivate them so that they can face tough challenges and score good grades. Similarly, the management of a company needs to motivate its employees so that they perform well. This is done by increasing salary packages, offering bonuses, and giving promotions. In this way, employees are motivated to work in the same organization instead of switching to other employment options. When an employee leaves a company, it suffers a lot as all the money invested in the employee is wasted.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each one of them. Talk to the employees of a particular organization and see what they have to say about their organization.
The problem starts when you do not have reliable content sources. Do not depend on free websites which do not have any reputation. Go through the journals and books written by prestigious authors. For an undergraduate student, writing an essay can be a very tough task if he fails to organize things. Try to prepare a time chart and work according to it. In addition to that, work according to the deadline of the paper.
Once the assignment is completed, it has to be compiled and checked. Both these tasks consume time. Most students make mistakes when they are compiling the chapters. At times the sequence is not correct or the page numbers have not been written properly.
When you have strict deadlines, it is quite hard to identify these mistakes and correct them. The best way to avoid them is to check each chapter after it has been completed. Check the chapter for grammatical mistakes, layout errors, and plagiarism.
Do you know that your entire future can be ruined if your paper is plagiarized in any way? Jury members take plagiarism as a very strict offense. In most cases, the student is disqualified and his entire future gets spoilt. Hence, do not copy any content from a book, an online source, or an academic journal. Make sure that your entire essay text is rephrased and does not use the same terminologies as the actual source.