With the revolution of information technology, globalization is considerably changing human behavior, governance of states, and administration of businesses. The trade and markets, in actual fact, are borderless, mobile instruments and the internet have made communication much easier and so the world is getting much closer. The majority of people in the world still get their indications not from the global financial markets, but from the national capital, and hence private access to the twenty-four-hour connected world still remains limited to only a minority of the global population. In the meantime, public administration systems emerge to facilitate some countries to have much more benefits than others, still, a number of social scientists consider that international economic, and political systems and trade have played a more important role in facilitating some countries to get much more benefits than others.
Developed countries, including North American and Western European countries, have unquestionably benefited far more from globalization than others due to the nature of globalization and very strong systems of public administration. On the other side, several developing countries have benefited less from globalization since they have substantial disadvantages in the worldwide marketplace together with weak public administration systems. The concern is the nature of globalization and the worldwide market systems which are ahead of the limitations of public administration countering to those factors ahead of public administration systems. Those factors are openly linked to the reason public administration systems in developing countries have benefited far less from globalization than developed countries.
Global Markets
Globalization has been principally accelerated by capitalism rather than public administration, politics, and democracy. Global markets would not work efficiently without proper national or international interference for market breakdowns which considerably keep domestic and global markets from functioning efficiently. For instance, in the international marketplace unfair trade, unfair competition, price control, and handling of financial flows have extremely affected across national boundaries. Few Asian countries like Taiwan and South Korea were financially distressed in the late 1990s because of the unregulated or free currency flows from the main global financial agents. Millions of public and private employees lost their jobs in those countries, and their social and human interests were surrendered.
Hence, public administration systems in the age of globalization have appeared to facilitate the majority of developed countries to acquire more benefits as compared to underdeveloped countries in terms of strong political leadership, economic development plans, and efforts of the citizens. Public management in Eastern European and East Asian countries is certainly expected to be more efficient, rational, responsive, transparent, and accountable on the grounds that professionalism and rationality are not currently institutionally and behaviourally established in a wide array of public bureaucracies. Did you find this article interesting you can get full access at Essay Mills?