Charles Darwin’s third book –The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals (1872) was the first concerted effort to examine feelings, social relations as well as their fundamental purpose from a biological viewpoint and was largely dependent on his principle of evolutionism. His methodology, which opened the doors to a different section of the analysis, was ground-breaking.
His mechanism, however, still gained no success up until 150 years later which was made clear by the publications and works on developmental biology and psychology that have been published in modern decades (Deci & Ryan., 2014). In recent times, approximately a dozen of notable books that cover the key topics of this article have been written, purely for reference motives.
Universal Motivation
The books are particularly regarding the developmental roots and the connection between evolved means of collaboration, humanitarianism and social development, social awareness, and interpersonal interaction. Theoretical constructs greatly inspired the development of psychoanalytic theory.
However, Freud too decided to revert to a pre-Darwinian concept that changes made through growth (phenotypes) were actually transferred and carried down to the next generations (genotype). This Lamarkian notion was merged with Haeckel’s well-known biogenetic law “ontogeny repeated phylogeny” and Freud applied these two principles to back up most of his essential conceptions.
As per Freud, this presumed period in the prehistoric times of our kind was widely practiced as a totemic meal. Culpability against incestuous and homicidal urges was strictly controlled by exogamy and incest taboo rules.
The awareness of this patricidal urge was transferred and carried to future generations (Lamarckism) and later reappeared (ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny) throughout the evolution of the Oedipus complex. As unusual as Freud’s notions may seem, they possess a kernel of truth.
A central issue in modern development is the manner in which a societal structure built predominantly on powerful hierarchical structures common among all species, as seen in modern nomadic foragers, became oppressed in favor of open and inclusive ways of collaboration. Freud had a significant concept as he supposed that the restriction of anti-Social instincts resulted in society.