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Schizophrenia Types Essay

Schizophrenia Types

Schizophrenia was prevalent even in pre-biblical times and is mentioned in ancient manuscripts of the Pharaohs of Egypt. These manuscripts describe symptoms of Schizophrenia.  To earn the best grades in writing Business Plans, Case Studies, and work assignments in you should choose an academic writing service that will meet your best writing needs. Criteria are usually given for severe, moderate, or mild forms of any disorder. For most disorders based on medical observations, symptoms must be evident to induce suffering or disability in occupational, social, or other meaningful performance.  Each disorder has a separate numbered code derived from the ICD coding systems which are primarily used for health and other services.

At that time it was thought that these mental disturbances were caused by evil spirits and demons and, the sufferer would be cured by (exorcising)  i.e. using prayers and religious rituals for riding a person or place of the supposed presence or influence of evil spirits.


Symptoms of this illness have been described in the ancient Greek, Roman, and Chinese scripts. A better understanding of Schizophrenia was developed in the 1700s when more accurate and detailed descriptions were known and recorded depicting changes in a person’s behavior emotions, body movements, and verbal communications In 1878,  Emil Kraepelin collectively named the different mental diseases “Dementia Praecox” meaning initial dementia.

He divided mental disorders into 4 categories, namely ‘simple’, ‘paranoid’ when the patient is in a semi-comatose state, and ‘hebephrenic” or the formal diagnosis of Schizophrenia by psychiatrists. Research continued into mental disorders, and in 1911, Schizophrenia was given its formal name schizo” meaning split. The patient is diagnosed as suffering from this disease if the primary and secondary symptoms are evident.

Based on the time of diagnosis, schizophrenia can be classified into 5 broad categories: Paranoid schizophrenia in which the patient is fixated on single or multiple delusions, or hears many different types of voices, but does not show typical symptoms of unsystematic schizophrenia. Disorganized schizophrenia wherein the speech and behavior become uncoordinated or disorganized, including no emotions.

At this stage, the person cannot be diagnosed as being a catatonic schizophrenic.  The next stage is Catatonic Schizophrenia where the affected person experiences great difficulty in ordinary movements, and has no control over body muscles resulting in excessive movement, abnormal movements, and repeating the words or actions of another person. If a person displays two or more symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, or behavior is termed undifferentiated schizophrenia. When the person displays all the above 4 symptoms simultaneously, then this is known as residual schizophrenia.

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