Research Paper on Adam’s Equity Theory

Considering the theory of Homan another perspective was presented by Adam in his equity theory. In Adam’s equity theory, the expectation of an employee is discussed far more and beyond the simple concept of injustice and unfair treatment.

According to him, unfair treatment not just causes distress among individuals but also impacts their association with one another. Moreover, this theory also explains that this biased treatment of employers will further stem many suppressed emotional outbursts among employees and there could be numerous consequences resulting from it.

When an employee is unable to utilize all the resources available due to poor distribution or allocation this causes a sense of guilt and suppression among employees while employees not getting proper recognition for their efforts de-motivate them even to the length of developing a feeling of anguish among them.

Furthermore, it has been observed that an employee’s performance level depends upon the environment they are working in. If there are positive and influential working environment then the performance and productivity of the employees increases eventually increasing the productivity and profitability of the firm.

Earlier the researcher used to focus only on one kind of justice that is distributive justice but soon they realized the need and importance of other types of justice required in an organization.

This made them realize the worth of procedural justice focusing on the fair and unbiased treatment of employees in the day-to-day procedures. This type of justice is significant as it makes the employee more dedicated and loyal to his organization. This develops a sense of belongingness among them and makes them engaged in their work.

In order for this type of justice to prevail it is necessary that employees develop a routine of taking feedback from their employees. Collecting their reviews and inputs regarding any issue they must be facing and then bringing employees in it is known as implementing procedural justice in an organization.